Aidan wilson creations

About Aidan

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Aidan Eric Wilson
Back Story

Aidan’s story is emblematic of the transformative role the arts can play in the lives of neurodiverse students. Just a few years ago, Aidan could not read, communicate and was afraid to talk or engage with other people.

Since Aidan started at Pace Brantley Preparatory and embraced the arts, he has transformed from hiding and not engaging, to standing in front of hundreds of people on stage and presenting his creations for the world to see. Aidan is both a visual artist and performer, having played key roles and the lead in several school plays. He was honored as Arts4All Student of the Month in 2021.

Beyond the arts, Aidan is in the National Honor Society and is part of the
school’s TV Station crew. He is also Team Captain and Food Bag Leader for Hearts, Hands, and Hope, a local nonprofit dedicated to serving meals to Seminole County families in need.

Aidan Wilson’s life-size sculptures are made with 80% recycled materials. He scours recycling bins for plastic bottles, containers, cardboard boxes, and paper towel rolls to transform them into works of art. His works include replicas of popular characters such as Forky from Toy Story 4, SpongeBob SquarePants, Charlie Brown, and characters from the Wizard of Oz.
Many of his creations have been used as props for school plays, including a 24 foot pink boat for this year’s Willy Wonka play. Aidan hopes to be an Imagineer in the future.